what this is

This blog is unusual for for me. I think for the most part Blogging is the evidence of people being so in love with themeselves they think they are so important the whole world needs to know what time in the morning they brush their teeth (6:30 AM just in case your wondering). The Purpose of this Blog is 1: to do exactly what the title says. to wake up those that are dead in their sins to Life in Christ and wake the Christian sleeping in the self sufficiency of american prosperity both in and outside the Church. 2: to serve as repository of Inspirations, in word, audio or video that glorify Christ and help others to see him as the all-satisfying source of joy, purpose and destination for their lives. 3: for my friends, family, pastors, and church to be able to benefit from 1 and 2 and hold me accountable to live in every way to what I say and call me out in any amount of hypocrisy in a public way if need be.

Monday, October 8, 2007

A father's Love

It's been a while since I have posted anything on this blog. I was in a different state of mind when I started it. a lot has happened and I have been super busy burning the candle at both ends between work school and driving between the two I am physicaly, emotionaly and spiritualy weary.

I would like to warn anyone that thinks they can be the one man band that thinks they will reform the whole american Church. This was one of the reasons I started this blog, because I had seen God working and experienced him closer than I ever have before in China on a mission trip and returned with a new perspective of what christianity should be like here in america and how far away it is. There are two ways to aproach reformation; on your face before God begging, wailing, and desperate for change with the knowledge that nothing can happen without God's power and blessing or the can-do self exalting righteousness that alienates others and is devoid of God's love and power.

Unfortunatly I chose the latter, and now after months with that attitude God has begun dealing with my heart in a severe way which I am so very thankful for.

But what the real point of this story is about is to honor a Godly great man in my life. it's a bit personal but my relationship with my real father is non-existant. I don't go for a lot of that psycho-bable stuff but it would make sense that if you have a hard time relating to your father you will have difficulty relating to your heavenly father. Many Times I have great difficulty believing that My heavenly father could forgive me when I sin or fail because I really didn't have any experience of forgivness or discipline from my real father. But I have had the blessing of seeing how my youth pastor Loves his Children, how when he he walks in a room you hear two little voices scream Daddy and two rockets shoot from their positions to hug his legs. The way he disciplines, encourages and loves his children has been such an example to me of how much greater to me the Heavenly Father's love is. in this time of great testing and trial and tiredness God has caused me to see my youth pastor as a living example of his love for me.

Thanks Pastor

Love Bryce


Knittygirl21 said...

I am glad to see that you have posted something on your blog page. I haven't been really good at updating my blog either :)
I understand what you mean when you try to do God's work in your own strength instead of His strength. God has a way of humbling us and reminding us that only when we rely on Him that we can do great things for His Kingdom.
I did know my father, but my relationship with him is strained too. He hurt me a lot as a child so my view of my Heavenly Father was skewed as well. I know God has shown me over the years how much he loves me and how a father is supposed to love his children.

Janet G. said...

Hi Bryce! Knittygirl told me the other night that you updated so I had to check it out. Good stuff. :)