what this is

This blog is unusual for for me. I think for the most part Blogging is the evidence of people being so in love with themeselves they think they are so important the whole world needs to know what time in the morning they brush their teeth (6:30 AM just in case your wondering). The Purpose of this Blog is 1: to do exactly what the title says. to wake up those that are dead in their sins to Life in Christ and wake the Christian sleeping in the self sufficiency of american prosperity both in and outside the Church. 2: to serve as repository of Inspirations, in word, audio or video that glorify Christ and help others to see him as the all-satisfying source of joy, purpose and destination for their lives. 3: for my friends, family, pastors, and church to be able to benefit from 1 and 2 and hold me accountable to live in every way to what I say and call me out in any amount of hypocrisy in a public way if need be.

Wednesday, June 20, 2007

America's Ugly exported Gospel

Refering to the video I have posted on the side is part of a speech from John Piper, Piper is adressing one of the biggest problems in modern american evangelicalism, the prosperity gospel.
The prosperity gospel takes liberties with scripture where it assures us of God's provision and goes beyond and above what scripture says assuring health, wealth, and Prosperity. It completly forgets that we are called to -deny ourselves take up our cross and follow him-... Luke 9:23 and rejoice in our sufferings and more than once we are assured not of wealth but shame and persecution for knowing Christ. I do not presume for anyone to take a vow of poverty BUT wealth and prosperity (wich is always given by God) mainly used for our sole enjoyment is not what God intended for it. That is "elevating gifts above the giver". Instead we are to use it for eternal purposes to bless others. ultimatly using our abundance for eternal purposes is a million times more fulfilling in Christ than using it to satisfy our cravings.
My desire for myself and for those that read this is to know God and and his son Christ crucified for us, so well and intimitly that we can repeat that prayer, "God is enough" and with every fiber of my heart mind and soul believe and savor those words.

Thursday, June 7, 2007

Favorite Verses

Acts 20:24
"For I consider my life worth nothing to me, if only I may finish the race and complete the task the Lord Jesus has given me - the task of testifying to the gospel of God's grace."

Psalm 40:5
"Many, O LORD my God
are the wonders you have done.
The things you have planned for us
no one can re-count to you;
were I to speak and tell of them,
they would be too many to declare."

Preaching to Myself

as the title implies, thats what I do very often. It helps me to meditate on God's word and helps me to keep my focus on Christ. anything I post please keep in mind that anything I preach, I am saying it to myself as well as anyone else who reads this blog. I don't deserve an ounce of faith that God has supplied nor the grace supplied. No one does. But then it wouldn't be Grace if we did deserve it would it?!? God bless you and Good night.